From Overlooked to Influential: The Dale Carnegie approach to Leading without Authority - Session 3
December 04, 2024 | Merle Heckman, Ed.D. WebinarFrom Overlooked to Influential: The Dale Carnegie Approach to Leading without Authority - Session 3
Influence that CAPTIVATES others to want what you present rather than FORCE FEEDING them
For safety professionals at all leadership levels, the ability to influence without formal authority is crucial. This six-session webinar, based on Dale Carnegie's principles and other research, provides tools to build trust, collaborate, and influence at all levels. Participants will learn to establish rapport, communicate with empathy, and inspire cooperation, even in challenging situations. Through activities and real-life stories, they’ll master techniques for gaining trust, leading teams, and addressing resistance. This webinar is ideal for those looking to enhance their leadership impact through interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and credibility.
If you want a Certificate of Attendance for self-reporting certification purposes, please watch the webinar here: BCSP Webinars (
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Tags: BCSP Webinar Dale Carnegie From Overlooked to Influential Safety Leadership
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