Winter Weather Communication Planning for Safety Leaders
December 19, 2024 | BCSP Staff Guide
Winter Weather Communication Planning for Safety Leaders
The sudden onset of inclement weather during the winter months can pose a significant risk to workers. Ice, sleet, or snow caused 13,960 injuries involving days away from work in the United States in 2020, with over 5,000 of those necessitating trips to medical facilities, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Key to the prevention of injuries related to winter weather is having a communication plan that allows swift response to inclement weather conditions.
To best protect your team, it is important your winter weather communications be comprehensive, multi-channel, clear, responsive, and up-to-date.
Should you not have a method of alerting your team to inclement winter weather that meets these conditions, you might consider emergency notification software. A variety of these systems are listed on Info-Tech Research Group’s Software Reviews page for Emergency Notification Software. BCSP does not endorse or recommend any one specific system, but provides this information to support you in determining which system is best for your organization.
By ensuring your winter weather communication plan is comprehensive, multi-channel, clear, responsive, and up-to-date, you can protect your team this winter, support them during inclement weather, and keep your organization safe during challenging situations so that it can continue to thrive.
Tags: Communication Planning Emergency Management Emergency Planning Winter Weather Preparedness Winter Safety
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